Statement of Arizona border communities on the Central America refugee crisis

No More Deaths is one of eighteen signatories of this statement.

Recently, the US Senate failed to pass a border security appropriations bill, while the House of Representatives adjourned for August without responding in a viable way to the Obama administration’s request for emergency funding to address the issue of child refugees fleeing violence and poverty in Central America.

As border communities in Arizona who’ve witnessed the most damaging effects of twenty years of militarization and security-first approaches to immigration policy, it was both alarming and unconscionable Continue reading Statement of Arizona border communities on the Central America refugee crisis

No More Deaths’s Gaza solidarity aims to end US border militarization

As a long-term ceasefire sets in over Gaza this week, 51 days of death and destruction leave a grisly toll: at least 2,100 Palestinians are dead, mainly civilians, including more than 500 children, and 11,000 have been injured. A staggering 89 whole families have been wiped out. Additionally, five Israeli civilians, including one child, and 64 soldiers have died since Israel’s massive military assault on the Gaza Strip began. One third of Gaza’s 1.8 million residents are left homeless; Israel destroyed at least 17,000 homes. Continue reading No More Deaths’s Gaza solidarity aims to end US border militarization

Take action: Support Rosa Robles in sanctuary in Tucson

Dear No More Deaths supporters,

Three months ago we came to you and asked for your support to stop the pending deportation of Daniel Neyoy Ruiz.  Thanks to you, Daniel is Scan_20140812at home with his family in Tucson, Arizona.

Just last week another community member, Rosa Robles Loreto, took sanctuary at Southside Presbyterian Church so that she could stay with her family rather than be deported. I hope that you will read Rosa’s message, learn more about her and her family, and then take action to keep her family together.

In solidarity,

Sarah Launius, No More Deaths volunteer

No More Deaths calls for public pressure to end Gaza assault and Israeli militarism

Humanitarian group endorses boycott, divestment, and sanctions in support of human rights

Web links:

Media contact: Gabriel M. Schivone 520-302-6006

TUCSON, AZ—On July 31, 2014, Tucson-based No More Deaths released a statement condemning Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinian civilians and calling for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against the Israeli occupation. Continue reading No More Deaths calls for public pressure to end Gaza assault and Israeli militarism

Statement on Gaza

No More Deaths is an organization that believes that when governments fail to uphold fundamental human rights, it is the responsibility of people of conscience to work openly and in community to do so, through non-violent, direct intervention.  Despite internal debates we’ve long held that commentary on the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands was best left to other organizations.  But given the urgency of the present moment we’ve reached a collective decision that we can—and should—no longer remain silent. Continue reading Statement on Gaza

Dignity bags

Every day, migrants are deported from the US to Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, with little more than the clothes on their backs. What belongings they have they must often carry in plastic or paper bags issued by the detention centers in which they have been held.

This project supplies bags at no cost to the Missionary Sisters of the Eucharist, who operate the Kino Border Initiative’s comedor (dining hall) in Nogales, to distribute among the people they serve there. Continue reading Dignity bags

The Good Fight with Ben Winkler: “The muckraker and the border patrol”

The muckraker and the border patrol

The Good Fight with Ben Winkler, April 10, 2014

Everyone working at the border crossing knew that it was happening: brutal violence and abuses by border patrol agents. Sometimes even lethally. But the US Customs and Border Protection wasn’t talking, and politicians seemed more concerned with increasing its size and military power than in holding it accountable.
Continue reading The Good Fight with Ben Winkler: “The muckraker and the border patrol”