CNN: “Deportation after dark”

Deportation after dark

CNN, Traci Tamura, April 6, 2012

Recently, I traveled to Nogales, Mexico, to work on a CNN story with reporter Thelma Gutierrez and Senior Photojournalist Gregg Canes, about what happens to undocumented immigrants who are deported from the United States back to Mexico at all hours of the night. We spent a couple of nights on the border to meet some of the recent deportees. Continue reading CNN: “Deportation after dark”

No More Deaths testifies before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

On March 27, No More Deaths volunteers presented testimony before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights at a hearing in Washington, DC.  The hearing was convened in response to advocates’ long-standing complaints regarding the treatment of detainees in short-term Border Patrol custody along the US–Mexico border. Continue reading No More Deaths testifies before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Shooting case confirms lack of accountability within Border Patrol

A Border Patrol agent is facing a civil suit filed by Jesús Enrique Castro Romo, a resident of Nogales, Sonora, Mexico who was shot by the agent in November 2010 while he lay face down on the ground. The agent, Abel Canales, also faces a federal indictment on charges of accepting brides to repeatedly allow trucks to pass through an immigration checkpoint without inspection. Disturbingly, the corruption charges stem from events observed by investigators in October 2008, a full three years before the federal indictment was filed. Continue reading Shooting case confirms lack of accountability within Border Patrol

Arizona ACLU releases report documenting abuses in immigration detention centers

Through the Immigrant Detention Advocacy Project, the ACLU of Arizona has worked for two years to document civil and human rights abuses in immigration detention centers in Arizona. Based on 115 face-to-face interviews with detainees held in Eloy and Florence, Arizona, the 36-page report, In Their Own Words: Enduring Abuse in Arizona Immigration Detention Centers, is the most comprehensive report documenting the experiences of immigrants detained by the federal government in the state. Continue reading Arizona ACLU releases report documenting abuses in immigration detention centers