Observers watch Border Patrol work at another highway checkpoint

Residents of Arivaca, Arizona can’t leave their peaceful town near the border with Mexico without encountering military checkpoints. Agents of the Border Patrol stop all traffic and ask questions while a dog sniffs the vehicle for drugs. Drivers may be asked to show ID and even ordered out of their vehicle while agents search it. Continue reading Observers watch Border Patrol work at another highway checkpoint

Why do people disappear in the desert?

In June 2015, No More Deaths and La Coalición de Derechos Humanos (Human Rights Coalition) received $10,000 from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee to write three reports that document how border-enforcement policies and practices cause people to disappear while crossing the US–Mexico border. The first of these reports, to be released in early summer, focuses on two Border Patrol practices: destroying lifesaving humanitarian aid and intentionally scattering groups of migrants during apprehension. Continue reading Why do people disappear in the desert?

Please join our crowdfunding campaign and keep us rolling!

The deep desert is hard as hell on our trucks. So today we’re launching a crowdfunding campaign to keep our volunteers rolling through the punishing summer months and all year round. Our trucks are vital to getting water and aid to migrants and refugees in southern Arizona’s backcountry. We hope to raise $47,842 by May 1. Continue reading Please join our crowdfunding campaign and keep us rolling!

Volunteers triple desert area where they offer lifesaving aid

Over the last year, desert-aid volunteers have expanded the scope of No More Deaths’s humanitarian work. In the Arivaca area, we cover a wider radius than ever. Working from Byrd Camp, our home base since 2004, we stock water drops in an eight-hundred-square-mile zone that ranges from rugged mountains to flat, dry cholla thickets. Continue reading Volunteers triple desert area where they offer lifesaving aid