USA Today: “Report: US often keeping deportees’ money, IDs”

Report: US often keeping deportees’ money, IDs

USA Today, Bob Ortega, December 10, 2014

PHOENIX — US authorities often needlessly endanger deportees by sending them back across the border into Mexico without returning their money, IDs, cell phones, medicine and other belongings, a human-rights groups charges in a report released Wednesday. Continue reading USA Today: “Report: US often keeping deportees’ money, IDs”

Our report on dangerous deportation practices: Shakedown

We are happy to announce today the release of Shakedown: How Deportation Robs Immigrants of Their Money and Belongings. Our third major human-rights report takes as its focus a little-known element of modern border enforcement and immigration enforcement: the wholesale theft of detained and deported immigrants’ personal property, without a legal pretext, and with grave humanitarian consequences.

Deportation steals. Take action to stop it

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants each year are dumped at the Mexico border and permanently expelled without their most basic belongings: their money, identification documents, cell phones, important phone numbers, photos and keepsakes. From the border they must find a way to travel to their place of origin in Mexico—with nothing. You can act right now to help stop this travesty. Continue reading Deportation steals. Take action to stop it

NMD joins searches for missing migrants

This article by Ricky Cheney appeared in our fall newsletter.

¿Cuántos días caminaron? (How many days did you walk?) ¿Cruzaron calles pavimentadas o de tierra? ¿Cuántas? (Did you cross any paved or dirt roads? How many?)

These are the types of questions we ask on our intake forms for searches. We receive reports from family members and individuals who last saw the missing migrant and then respond to the best of our ability. Continue reading NMD joins searches for missing migrants