All posts by No More Deaths

Webinar Series from SOA Watch: Confronting Forced Migration & Violence in the Americas

Click here for Webinar Links and More info!

From SOA Watch:

Dear SOA Watch,

We recently shared SOA Watch’s difficult decision to indefinitely postpone the 2020 Training Day and Action Convergence in Tucson to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and protect our communities. Given the magnitude of the current health and humanitarian crises, it is our responsibility to find alternative forms of solidarity with those most disproportionately affected. We must remain vigilant to state violence and authoritarianism as governments protect corporate interests at the expense of peoples’ wellbeing and health.

With this in mind, we invite you to join us for the Confronting Forced Migration and Violence in the Americas Webinar Series on Saturday and Sunday, April 4th and 5th, 2020. Together with Stop US Arms to Mexico, Alliance for Global Justice, No More Deaths, Veterans for Peace, and other compas, we are facilitating a series of five, one-hour webinar workshops. The series will examine the impacts of US-backed state violence in the Hemisphere, the root causes of forced migration, militarization, and using effective narratives, mutual aid, research, and lobbying to nourish our collective work as we face the current humanitarian crisis.

Please note that interpretation from English to Spanish or Spanish to English will be provided throughout the entire Webinar Series. The webinar schedule, panel descriptions, and SEPARATE registration links for each webinar are found below.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

9:00 am – 10:00 am Pacific Time / 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Eastern Time
Voices from Abya Yala (the Americas): Realities and Resistance
Panel held in Spanish with English interpretation.Panelists:
Lucia Ixchiu, Somos Abya Yala – Somos una América, GuatemalaJorge Andrés Forero-González, Somos Abya Yala – Somos una América, Colombia
Abilio Peña, Servicio Internacional Cristiano de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de América Latina «Óscar Romero» (SICSAL)
In the Kuna people’s language, Abya Yala means “mature land,” “living land,” or “blossoming land” and refers to America. In the first panel, organizers from Guatemala and Colombia reflect on the impacts of neoliberalisms, extractivism, state violence, forced migration, and the pandemic within their communities and throughout the Americas. We will also discuss how communities and social movements are resisting and organizing to safeguard their rights, dignity, and territories in this context.
Registration Link:

10:30 am – 11:30 am Pacific Time / 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern Time

Countering Anti-Migrant Narratives and Media Work
Panel held in English with Spanish interpretation.Panelists:
Maha Hilal, Justice for Muslims Collective
Laura Carlsen, Americas Program
Panelists will discuss how narratives are used to both highlight and conceal the nuances of forced migration and US interventionism. We will also discuss the role of the media in creating narratives that criminalize and dehumanize communities of color and the emergence of new narratives developed by migrants and asylum seekers.

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm PT / 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET
Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Migrants at US-Mexico Border
Panel held in English with Spanish interpretation.Panelists:
Jennifer Harbury, Angry Tías y Abuelas, Rio Grande Valley
Nicol Bowles, Community organizer in Texas Borderlands
Casa Carmelita, Asylum Seeker and Migrant Community Support Center
The coronavirus has grabbed headlines in local and international media. However, we have heard little about the disproportionate impact of this pandemic on the most vulnerable communities. In this webinar, we will discuss the situation facing asylum seekers on the US-Mexico border and how local communities are responding to these challenges.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

9:00 am – 10:00 am PT / 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET
Researching U.S. Militarization of  Borderlands and Mesoamérica
Panel held in English with Spanish interpretation.Panelists:
Natalia Báez, Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights
John Lindsay-Poland, Stop US Arms to Mexico Project of Global Exchange
How do we access information on the US gun trade, Mexican military forces, and how they impact human rights violations? How can we translate hard data on militarism for social media use and to change policy? In this webinar, veteran researchers guide us through how to access information on US-sourced weapons in Mexico and Central America.

10:30 am – 11:30 am PT / 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm ET
Policy advocacy on U.S. militarism and guns in Mexico and Central America
Panel held in English with Spanish interpretation.Panelists:
Dana Frank, Professor of History emerita at the University of California at Santa Cruz
Eugenio Weigend, Center for American Progress 
This webinar draws on the extensive experience of two effective policy advocates regarding gun policy and US policy in Honduras to respond to the following questions:  What  policies impact violence and arms trafficking in Mexico and Central America? Are the gun industry and militarists using the current crisis to promote harmful policies? How can we engage legislators in Washington to change those policies?

SOA Watch is committed to challenging US-backed state violence that protects capitalism and profits at the expense of the wellbeing and dignity of our communities and territories. We stand strong with, and in, our communities and build our capacity to organize, resist, and engage in mutual aid. We hope you will join us for this webinar series and continue supporting our collective work for justice and structural change!

In continued solidarity,
Brigitte, Candice, Dévora, Pablo, and Roy
SOA Watch


Final Charge Against Dr. Scott Warren Dropped! Statements from Outside Court

GREG KUYKENDALL: Well, we are enormously grateful to the entire community for all the support that we’ve had for this fantastic result wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for the fantastic and enormous support we’ve gotten from the community. Which is a poor way of saying thank you very very much to the community for everything thats happened. 

Today the government took the position that people of conscience should not be prosecuted for acts of humanitarian aid. In other words humanitarian aid, by definition, is not a crime. [clapping]

REPORTER: Did he say that specifically or are you inferring this or do you have this written somewhere?

GK: It’s the only thing logical to infer. On the eve of Scott’s sentencing the government filed a motion in good faith to dismiss in the interest of justice justice demands that person of Scott’s background, faith, and activities not be prosecuted. And that’s what happened today. The government filed a motion and the motion said we are filing this in good faith in the interest of justice. And that’s why Scott’s not being prosecuted.

REPORTER: You were sort of raising the question in court of why they dropped the charges?

GK: I think it’s a reasonable question to ask.

REPORTER: So why do you think they changed their mind now?

GK: I think you guys should ask them why they changed their minds now. But I think it’s clear they changed their mind because the law is humanitarian aid is not a crime. Scott’s not guilty and they recognized that that was going to be writ large by the 9th circuit if they continued their prosecution of Scott. 

REPORTER: They felt they would fail on appeal?

GK: I think it was pretty clear that they would fail on appeal and that there would be 9th circuit law explaining in even larger terms than Judge Marquez recently explained that humanitarian is not a crime. 

REPORTER: In reference to No More Deaths different federal agencies over the past 15 years… do you think they’ve learned their lesson and are no longer going to target No Mor

GK: I hope that No More Deaths is no longer going to be targeted anymore. There’s certainly no reason for people of conscience trying to save lives in an environment where the government has intentionally weaoponized the desert and people are losing their lives in droves there’s certainly no reason why the government would target people like no more deaths. 

From No More Deaths Media Coordinator:

I’m just going to say it … Humanitarian aid is never a crime! 

As people of conscience, we will continue to provide care and solidarity to people in the borderlands. Our organization has extended our streak of legal wins—now over 40 different victories in court over the last 18 years.

However, despite our organization’s victory today, we must also acknowledge the escalating violence toward directly affected communities—many people who seek justice in this country never find it. 

As we speak, thousands are stuck along the border due to the disastrous Remain in Mexico Policy, or MPP (Migrant Protection Protocol). In the interior, the Trump administration has also promised to use SWAT-like teams aided by Border Patrol, to enforce immigration. 

Last week a federal judge finally agreed that conditions in Border Patrol detention under Obama violated people’s rights. It took five years to get that decision, and over those years people continued to die in ICE and Border Patrol custody as a direct result of inhumane conditions, and medical neglect. Later today dozens more will be convicted in Operation Streamline and sent to these same centers.

Just a few days ago in DC, the family of teenager Sergio Adrian Hernandez Guerea got word from that the Supreme Court there would be no consequences for the Border Patrol agent Jesus Mesa, the man who shot and killed their son in 2010. The ruling will impact the civil charge the family of Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez in Nogales, who filed suit against BP agent Lonnie Swartz for his murder.

Arguments for this case were heard the same day Scott began his retrial, the same day arguments on DACA were heard. With no ruling on DACA, the program remains in limbo, with recipients unsure if the program will continue. 

Finally, yesterday on Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, just south of where volunteers received their charges, Border Patrol hosted a media spectacle on Monument Hill, an attempt to show that wall construction and controlled detonations are “not a big deal” We know that this process is not just causing irreparable environmental degradation, it is destroying sacred sites of the Hia C’ed O’odham and Tohono O’odham and a massive violation of their sovereignty. 

These are dark times. 

We are glad—for Scott, his family, and the broader community of those providing and receiving humanitarian aid along the US–Mexico border—this final charge was dropped, but let us take a moment for Sergio, Jose, and the more than 100 others who have been killed by Border Patrol directly, as well as the countless more who have died or disappeared due to US Border Enforcement strategy. 

We celebrate another victory today, and we celebrate the overwhelming support of our Southern Arizona community, but this is not over. We will continue to find ways to intervene and reduce harm in the borderlands. Thank you all for your continued support.” 


February 4rd, 2020
For Immediate Release
Contact: (520) 240-1641


TUCSON, AZ – On January 31st, United States District Judge Rosemary Márquez reversed the convictions of four No More Deaths volunteers. The volunteers were convicted in January 2019 of multiple misdemeanor charges stemming from their humanitarian aid work on the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge (CPNWR) during the summer of 2017 in an area known as the “trail of death.” 

The Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge covers over 803,000 acres of remote desert with no natural water sources and very few publicly accessible roads, making it one of the deadliest migration corridors along the border. In 2017, the year the volunteers were charged, 32 sets of human remains were found on the refuge.

The four volunteers were convicted after a bench trial in January, 2019, issued fines and placed on probation. The decision was appealed shortly after. The reversal was based on an examination of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), one of many defenses the volunteers’ lawyers presented. In the order, Judge Marquez wrote: “Accordingly, the Court finds that application of the regulations against Defendants violates RFRA, and the Court will reverse Defendants’ convictions.”

One key component of applying the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is to determine whether or not the government has a compelling interest to enforce the law in question.  In her order Judge Márquez noted that “…the Government claims a compelling interest in preventing Defendants from interfering with a border enforcement strategy of deterrence by death. This gruesome logic is profoundly disturbing. It is also speculative and unsupported by evidence.”

“This ruling reaffirms what No More Deaths has always maintained: providing life-saving humanitarian aid is never a crime. The reversal of the convictions is a victory for all people of conscience and righteousness who seek to end the death and suffering in the borderlands.” said volunteer Alicia Dinsmore “People continue to die every day on Cabeza Prieta and we will continue to act on our moral imperative to do this vital work.”

In a separate case, No More Deaths volunteer Dr. Scott Warren faced two misdemeanor charges for similar work, in addition to his high profile felony charges. His lawyers argued a successful RFRA claim for one of the charges, but he was found guilty of another. The conviction was announced by Judge Raner Collins minutes after a jury returned a not guilty verdict for his felony charges in November. He will be sentenced on February 27th. Dr. Warren and his attorneys will decide if they will appeal his conviction after sentencing. 

No More Deaths remains committed to protecting the human rights of and advocating for the liberation of all people, regardless of race, religious belief, gender expression, sexual orientation, nationality and documentation status.

An Evening with Luis Alberto Urrea – Sold Out

Tickets are sold out for our 2/13 Luis Urrea event!

Thank you for your support.

This event is made possible by our generous sponsors:

Community Partners:

Desert Diamond Casino & Entertainment – An Enterprise of the Tohono O’odham Nation

Rancho Gordo – Specialty heirloom bean supplier based in Northern California 

Tumerico – Vegetarian, scratch kitchen based in Tucson providing food for the event reception


Antigone Books – Voted Tucson’s best independent book store by readers of Tucson Weekly

Earlham College Border Studies Program – Program focusing on migration, identity, and social justice

EXO Roast Co. – Small batch, specialty coffee roaster in Tucson

People’s Defense Initiative – Grassroots community organizing fighting for human rights in Tucson

Rincon Market – Local family-owned deli, grocery, and restaurant in the Sam Hughes neighborhood

Rubin & Bernstein PLLC – Law firm based in Tucson, Arizona

Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson – The fiscal sponsor of No More Deaths / No Mas Muertes Mr. Urrea is the author of The Devil’s Highway and 16 other books, which reflect his cross-cultural experiences as a Mexican-American. Born in Tijuana, Mexico to an American mother and a Mexican father, Urrea is best known as a “border writer”. He has won many awards for his writing and was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2005 for The Devil’s Highway, which tells the story of a group of men who in 2001 attempted to cross the border into southern Arizona’s deadliest corridor – the very area where our volunteers leave lifesaving food and water. He was recently named a Guggenheim


After only 2 hours of deliberation, on the afternoon of November 20th, 2019, the jury returned a not guilty verdict on both counts of felony harboring.

Day 6 – November 20th

  1. Over 100 faith leaders gathered this morning outside the courthouse to profess how their faith calls them to support No More Deaths’ work in the desert. “They thought that they could stop us, but we can’t stop. To do so would be to cut the cords that connect us to God, to ourselves, and to one another.” – The Reverend Hannah Bonner
  2. Inside the courthouse, attorneys made their closing arguments. Prosecutor Nate Walters argued: “When the defendant made a choice to help [the two men], that’s when he crossed the line and broke the law. … He could have told Jose and Kristian to leave. [He] could have given them food, water, and medical supplies and said good luck. But that’s not what he did. … Scott Warren is guilty. He provided shelter to two undocumented people.”
  3. Defense attorney Greg Kuykendall began his closing statement by saying, “Being a Good Samaritan is not against the law. Practicing the Golden Rule is not a felony.”
  4. He reminded the jury that it was necessary for the prosecution to prove that Scott had helped Jose and Kristian with the specific intention of harboring them from Border Patrol. Scott did not have reason to help Jose and Kristian avoid arrest, “but he did have reason to care whether they were alive and safe, and that reason is that he’s a fundamentally good and decent human being.”
  5. He also reinforced that Scott not calling Border Patrol on the two men was not an act of criminal intent. “Our country never requires regular people to inform. We have to obey the law, but we don’t have to obey somebody else’s moral code. Reporting people to Border Patrol is somebody else’s moral code, it’s not the law.”
  6. Prosecutor Walters presented his rebuttal. He attempted to cast doubt on Jose and Kristian’s need for humanitarian aid by referencing the selfies that they took at the Barn: “It’s almost like they’re on a vacation, resting up in order to continue their journey further north.” Jose and Kristian had just survived walking through a desert where over 3,000 people have died since 2001.
  7. After closing arguments, Judge Collins gave the instructions for deliberation. The case is now in the jury’s hands and we await a verdict.

Day 5 – November 19th

  1. This morning we gathered outside the courthouse to write letters and collect funds for folks detained in immigration jails. For people who cross the desert, surviving the journey may mean the beginning of being trapped in dehumanizing & dangerous detention facilities. These spaces can be especially harmful for LGBTQ individuals. Letters and donations will go to support Trans Queer Pueblo, the LGBTQ Detainee Support Collective, and the Casa Mariposa Visitation Program. If you’d like to make a donation, click here:
  2. Dr. Scott Warren took the stand this morning. His testimony focused on the dire need for humanitarian aid in the desert around Ajo.  He spoke at length about his personal experience recovering the bodies of eighteen individuals who perished during their journey. He explained that, “It doesn’t get easier….but one thing that’s a bit disturbing, frankly, is you start to expect it.”
  3. Scott spoke about how his first Search and Recovery led him to get more involved with humanitarian aid, and that the experience underscored how being oriented to one’s surroundings can mean the difference between life and death. Being oriented gives people a chance to self-rescue, and the ability to share enough information with a Search and Rescue team to make a rescue possible. He specifically testified about the landmarks he pointed out to Jose and Kristian – two landmarks visible from a long distance than can be used to find one’s way to the only paved road for miles if they need help. If someone becomes disoriented and walks away from the highway, they will find themselves in an active bombing range.
  4. Scott spoke in more detail about the horrors faced by people on their journeys.  “For any migrant who enters the desert or for Central American folks traveling up through Mexico they have experienced all kinds of violence along the way. […] The intensity of having to travel that distance, people being left behind, people being kidnapped or killed, encountering the bodies of other people dying from the elements. This leaves trauma and PTSD for those that keep going.”
  5. In providing the humanitarian aid of water, food, and orientation, Scott testified about the internationally recognized standards of neutrality, set out by organizations such as the Red Cross. He explained that, here in Arizona, neutrality means, “We are not there to help migrants evade Border Patrol and we are not there to help Border Patrol arrest migrants.”    
  6. During the afternoon, Scott was cross-examined by Prosecutor Anna Wright, who dug into the organization’s protocols and his role. Anna Wright repeatedly tried and failed to undermine Scott’s credibility based on his previous testimony. She grilled Scott on testimony that he viewed it as part of his role to maintain a safe space for volunteers and migrants alike, and his testimony that he respects the self-determination of migrants while providing humanitarian aid. In a show of remarkable insensitivity, Ms. Wright questioned Scott on whether or not he conducted criminal background checks and ran fingerprints on Jose and Kristian before offering food and water.
  7. The prosecutors continued to accuse Scott of concealing Jose and Kristian because he did not call Border Patrol when he encountered the two men on the property. However, Scott had previously testified about participating in Ajo Border Patrol’s Citizens Academy in 2013. He confirmed that Border Patrol agents stated that no one had any obligation to report undocumented migrants to them.

For more information on No More Deaths’ Search and Rescue efforts or information on how to look for someone who has gone missing after crossing the border, see our website:

Day 4 – November 15th

  1. Court started late today. Andy Silverman, member of No More Deaths legal team and Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Arizona took the stand first. He discussed the No More Deaths legal protocols and volunteer trainings: “One of the very basic principles of No More Deaths and civil initiative is that we are transparent in everything we do. The work we do, and the way we do it, is proper and legal. We provide all information and materials to prevent loss of life.” 
  2. Two long term volunteers also testified. Ellie spoke about her experience with No More Deaths and her drive to do humanitarian aid work “I grew up in Tucson, hiking and recreating in the desert. When I began to hear of deaths in the desert, it hit quite literally close to home. When a tragedy is happening in a place you call home, it compels you to act.”
  3. Ellie testified about her motives, rooted in compassion, the consequences of getting lost in the desert and the value being oriented to where you are: “I carry a high level of concern for people getting lost. If someone is in trouble, you can’t sit down and wait for somebody to find you, you need to find yourself help. In that area, it is a much more vast distance between roads or towns.”
  4. Isabella, another volunteer, also testified. January 2018 was her first month in the desert with No More Deaths and she described what happened in the week leading up to the arrests. Three days prior, volunteers had come across human remains in the desert near Ajo. “We hiked several miles down until we came to the skull, then we did a grid search…it was my first time encountering a human body in the desert.” 
  5. She explained that the experience had an emotional toll on her and her fellow volunteers. Scott lead a debrief for the volunteers that evening, creating a space for everyone to process the experience. She said it helped her think about “what it means to come face to face with death everyday while constantly fighting for life.”
  6. Dr. Norma Price, a member of the No More Deaths medical team, who has volunteered along the border since before the founding of No More Deaths, took the stand. She testified about her consultation with Scott regarding Jose and Kristian, affirming their need for medical care. 
  7. She testified about the dangers that all migrants face in the desert, and the way aid workers respond. She stressed the excessive vulnerabilities to dehydration and exposure in cold and hot environments alike. She also spoke about injuries that in other contexts, might be viewed as minor, when asked by defense counsel; “can you die of blisters?” She responded: “Any injury to the lower extremity…can impair someone’s travel.  if they can’t keep up with the group they are left behind. if they are left behind, they get lost and if they’re not found… they will die.”

DAY 3 – November 14

  1. We started off the day outside court by decorating water gallons with messages of solidarity and love. Volunteers then went out to the desert on water drops, joined by members of the Catholic Worker Movement and Jewish Voice for Peace. Throughout the past two years of prosecution, we have not stopped our work in the field, and regardless of the outcome of this case will continue to give aid where it is most needed.
  2. Trial began with video of the interrogation of the two men arrested with Dr. Warren–José and Kristian–both of whom were detained until they testified and then deported. We acknowledge that these stories are not ours to tell, but we also don’t want their experiences to be erased.
  3. José and Kristian are from Honduras and El Salvador, respectively. Like so many people who attempt this journey, they traveled for months before they scaled the wall and entered the Arizona desert. They described dropping their food and water after seeing Border Patrol agents in the desert near Ajo and continued on through the cold, without any supplies. In video deposition, José explained how he and Kristian supported each other as they navigated north – “We guided ourselves by the stars. Between the two of us, we made a good team. We supported each other mutually.”
  4. In the afternoon the prosecution called Patti Fitzsimmons, a US Border Patrol Enforcement Analysis Specialist who does forensic extractions of cell phones and described their job as tracking “criminal activity” throughout the Tucson sector, and network analysis “to take down an entire organization”.
  5. The prosecution focused their questioning of Fitzsimmons on selfies extracted from Kristian’s cell phone that showed José and him at a gas station and later, at the Barn cooking themselves dinner. As with the last trial, the government’s argument seems to be that the men were not visibly ill and therefore not deserving of food and water. 
  6. Cross-examination focused on cell phone records extracted from Dr. Warren’s phone, which included calls and texts with nurses, doctors, volunteers, and the local sheriff’s department. From the previous trial we know these communications to be medical consultations and reports of recovered remains. The defense clarified that there was no evidence of contact between Dr. Warren and Kristian.
  7. After Fitzsimmon’s testimony, the prosecution rested their case. Defense Attorney, Amy Knight, then moved for all charges to be dropped based on insufficient evidence in the case. Judge Collins denied the motion.
  8. The defense called their first witness, Dr. Greg Hess. Dr. Hess is the Chief Medical Examiner for Pima County. Dr. Hess, a Forensic Pathologist, examines the remains of hundreds of people that are recovered from the desert surrounding Tucson every year. He described the increase in deaths over the last decade, stating that prior to the year 2000, less than 20 remains were recovered every year in Arizona. By 2002 this jumped to over 100, and has averaged 164 for the last 20 years. The majority of deaths are caused by exposure. The prosecution repeatedly tried to object to Dr. Hess’s testimony based on relevance stating that “there are no deaths in this case”, but were overruled.
  9. The final witness for the day was Dr. Ed McCullough, Professor of Geosciences at the University of Arizona and volunteer with the humanitarian aid organization Tucson Samaritans. Dr. McCullough was absent from trial, so the defense had the transcript of his testimony read from the previous felony trial. His testimony described geographic trends of undocumented recovered remains, focusing on the increase in remains being recovered in the west desert surrounding Ajo, Arizona – specifically, the “trail of deaths” documented in the Growler Valley.

DAY 2 – November 13

  1. Today in court, the prosecution called BP agent John Marquez and agent Brendan Burns to the stand. Coincidentally, Agent Burns is currently facing a lawsuit by the ACLU for violating immigrant constitutional rights to due process.
  2. John Marquez, the agent who initiated the surveillance the day of the arrest, testified that part of the reason he suspected Scott Warren of criminal behavior was precisely because of his humanitarian aid work with No More Deaths. In his post-arrest report, Marquez quoted an article from Northern Arizona University’s newspaper, The Lumberjack, which describes a time in 2017 when Scott took a group of highschool students out to the Growler valley. There he and the students gave water and food to migrants, and came across human remains.
  3. For the first time since this case began, both arresting agents admitted under oath this morning to knowing about NMD’s Disappeared Report exposing Border Patrol destruction of water supplies before they arrested Dr. Warren, Jose & Kristian.  Marquez revealed that he became aware of the report shortly after beginning surveillance of the Barn on January 17th. Agent Brendan Burns also testified that Marquez made him aware of the video footage released by NMD that afternoon.
  4. Marquez and Burns revealed both their personal and wider systemic BP racial bias on the stand. Marquez testified that his reason for believing Jose and Kristian were migrants was based on them wearing clothes that “looked like they were from the thrift store,” and claimed that they “matched a description” of two Central American migrants. Defense Attorney Greg Kuykendall questioned Marquez’s logic when he asked, “you didn’t know if they were men or women, short or tall, bearded or not, how old they were, you didn’t know any distinguishing characteristics? You ASSUMED these guys must be the two people who supposedly had left the day before?”, to which Marquez replied: ”Yes.” 
  5. The agents’ racial profiling was obvious to at least one juror, who asked: “If Scott had been talking to two women or anglo people would you still have moved in for the knock and talk or was it based on the fact that they were hispanic?” Agent Burns deflected the question, stating that it was Scott’s “actions” and the “whole picture” that influenced his decision.
  6. Agent Burns was also questioned regarding text messages he and other agents exchanged while surveilling the Barn. Most notably, Agent Burns’ was questioned about his text message “2 toncs at the house”, and a fellow agent’s response that read, “What!?!?!?!?!?! Nice!” Border Patrol agents claimed that the term ‘toncs’ is an acronym for “traveling outside of native country”, but it is widely known to be a racist term that refers to the sound a person’s skull makes when they are hit in the head with a flashlight. Marquez and Burns were questioned about the fact that the Barn was not secured as a crime scene following the arrest of Scott, Jose, and Kristian. It was once again stated that Border Patrol entered private property without a warrant and took unauthorized photos of interior spaces. Border Patrol did not return until January 22nd —5 days later— to carry out a search warrant to gather evidence. Agent Marquez confirmed that, “if you’re looking for evidence and you don’t secure the scene, people come in and out, in and out, then it’s a polluted scene. Then it doesn’t provide a valid crime scene.” Despite this, the government is still submitting all the evidence they gathered before and after obtaining a warrant.

DAY 1 – November 12

  1. The retrial of Dr. Scott Warren on federal harboring charges began today. The morning was spent seating a jury – a process the public was not welcome to witness.
  2. Just before court proceedings officially began, Judge Raner Collins granted a last-minute pretrial motion put forth by the prosecution that forbids the defense team from mentioning the Trump administration or it’s immigration policies
  3. Judge Collins provided instructions for the jurors, including the need for the government to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Scott acted with intent to violate the law. Also included was the fact that there is no obligation, under the law, for an individual to report a suspected or known crime to authorities.
  4. In her opening statements, Prosecutor Anna Wright, explained that in this case “there may be distractions. This case is not about those distractions. This case is about the law and evidence. It is only about Scott Warren… The evidence shows he intended to shelter and shield safe from a watchful eye of border patrol.
  5. Defense Attorney Greg Kuyendall countered, explaining the context of the desert around Ajo: “He helps migrants in the most lethal desert environment imaginable. He, and others, put supplies in the desert because of one simple truth: water will keep you alive
  6. Kuykendall explained that deeply rooted biases held by Border Patrol agents cause them to perceive humanitarian aid work as criminal. Describing that assumptions based in bias lead to the surveillance, arrest, trial and the current re-trial of this case.
  7. The Disappeared Report Part II and viral video released the morning of the arrest was mentioned for the first time in front of jurors (the report and mentioning of the report was excluded from evidence in the first trial).

An Evening with Luis Alberto Urrea

A fundraiser for No More Deaths/ No Más Muertes

Join us for an evening with renowned author Luis Alberto Urrea, author of The Devil’s Highway, Guggenheim Fellow, and Tucson Book Festival favorite.

A 2005 Pulitzer Prize finalist for nonfiction and member of the Latino Literature Hall of Fame, Urrea is the critically acclaimed and best-selling author of 17 books, winning numerous awards for his poetry, fiction and essays. Born in Tijuana to a Mexican father and American mother, Urrea is most recognized as a border writer, though he says, “I am more interested in bridges, not borders.”    

For more info and to learn about sponsorship opportunities, email

To purchase tickets, go to Tickets are limited.

Call for Mental Health and Wellness Practitioners

Call for Mental Health and Wellness Practitioners!
No More Deaths is seeking trauma-informed and -experienced mental-health professionals and wellness coaches/healers willing to provide no-cost or sliding-scale mental-health and holistic-health services to certain individuals affected by the humanitarian crisis on the Arizona border: namely, volunteers who provide humanitarian assistance to undocumented border crossers, refugees, recent immigrants, and their families. 

Continue reading Call for Mental Health and Wellness Practitioners