Dear Friends of No More Deaths/No Más Muertes,
I’m an avid supporter of No More Deaths and all humanitarian aid activists along the border. I’m also a native Arizonan and proud member of Green Valley Samaritans, who well understands the brutal conditions of the desert and the plight of migrants who try to cross it.
I am writing today to ask your support for No More Deaths during their Longest Day campaign, which is going on now through June 21 – the longest day of the year. During this hottest, most life-threatening time of the year in the southern Arizona desert, I ask you to give generously to No More Deaths so that they can continue to provide food, water, and aid to those facing the harsh desert conditions. Please see the their most recent newsletter here about the difficult work of No More Deaths volunteers – and the deadly plight of many who cross our borders.
I can think of no more compelling crisis than that now facing the borderlands and my view is this: Every individual has the right to receive and the right to give humanitarian aid, in order to prevent suffering and death – no matter what one’s legal status. No More Deaths’ volunteers will continue to fight for this right, even as humanitarian work is increasingly targeted and prosecuted by this administration as criminal activity. To criminalize human kindness is a dangerous precedent. I applaud them for the tough but vital work they are doing.
Please join me in supporting them here.
In peace, love and solidarity,
Linda Ronstadt