For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me.—Matthew 25:35–36
Dear friends of No More Deaths,
THANK YOU to all of you who contribute to the work of No More Deaths all year long. Generous partners like you know that welcoming the stranger and migrant and providing hospitality isn’t just a seasonal practice, it’s ongoing. It is deeply embedded in the ancient traditions of the First Nations peoples as well as in all the great religions of the world.
For more than ten years now, No More Deaths has welcomed the stranger in our midst. These “works of mercy” happen every day:

- Leaving water and food on the migrant trails
- Providing medical care and respite to the weary traveler at our camp near the border
- Providing free phone service so that migrants can call their loved ones
- Cashing US checks for migrants who cannot otherwise cash them in Mexico
- Helping people recover their belongings taken from them while in custody
- Providing legal guidance to undocumented young people and their families
- Attending Operation Streamline and bearing witness to the travesty of justice that lands migrants in private prisons
- Visiting those in detention, participating in raising bond money for them, and advocating for their release

Our year-round commitment to living out these works of mercy cannot happen without your year-round support. On behalf of our migrant brothers and sisters, thank you for being a part of this journey.
In solidarity,
The No More Deaths community
You can make a secure online donation through Network for Good or donate by mail. No More Deaths gratefully accepts stocks, bonds, endowed gifts, and bequests. For more information, contact the fundraising team.