In FY2010 alone, at least 253 people died attempting to cross the southern Arizona border. Border Patrol practices in the desert routinely increase the risk of death in the desert by dispersing groups with helicopters, impeding search-and-rescue efforts, and vandalizing life-saving resources such as food, water, and blankets. These methods are documented in A Culture of Cruelty.
Physical abuse
Ten percent of people interviewed after being held in Border Patrol custody reported being physically abused—including children and teens. These findings and others are found in our report in A Culture of Cruelty. Continue reading Physical abuse
Arizona ACLU releases report documenting abuses in immigration detention centers
Through the Immigrant Detention Advocacy Project, the ACLU of Arizona has worked for two years to document civil and human rights abuses in immigration detention centers in Arizona. Based on 115 face-to-face interviews with detainees held in Eloy and Florence, Arizona, the 36-page report, In Their Own Words: Enduring Abuse in Arizona Immigration Detention Centers, is the most comprehensive report documenting the experiences of immigrants detained by the federal government in the state. Continue reading Arizona ACLU releases report documenting abuses in immigration detention centers
Update on dangerous deportations
Recently thousands of people from throughout the US put Janet Napolitano on notice that concerned residents will continue to try to transform the Department of Homeland Security’s practices of dangerous deportations including deportations into cartel strongholds. We at No More Deaths continue to monitor deportation practices and are attempting to support individuals who contact us with stories of abuse and threats. Continue reading Update on dangerous deportations