Students expand kit project that can save lives in the desert

This article by Denise Holley appeared in our fall newsletter.

How can we reduce the chance a person determined to cross the US border will die in the Arizona desert? Equip the crosser with a simple kit: two filters and two vials of Clorox to purify contaminated water, four packets of Vaseline, a fresh pair of socks, a whistle to call for help, and instructions in Spanish. Continue reading Students expand kit project that can save lives in the desert

Reports from abroad: No More Deaths volunteers meet desperate Central Americans

This article by Denise Holley appeared in our fall newsletter.

Jordan Weiner met the Central Americans as they arrived exhausted with blistered feet at a shelter in Tenosique in southern Mexico. Lois Martin traveled to Honduras in 2012 and 2013 and learned why ordinary citizens feared for their lives. Continue reading Reports from abroad: No More Deaths volunteers meet desperate Central Americans

Wrap-up of 2014 volunteer program

This article by volunteer-program coordinators Allison Semmler and Tyler Espinoza appeared in our fall newsletter.

As temperatures in the Sonoran desert rose to over 100 degrees in early June, No More Deaths welcomed the first group of summer volunteers. By the end of the summer program on October 24, over seventy-five volunteers from around the country will have given humanitarian aid at the Arivaca desert camp and the Migrant Resource Center in Agua Prieta, Sonora. Continue reading Wrap-up of 2014 volunteer program

Deutsche Welle (Germany): “No More Deaths helps immigrants survive treacherous desert journey to US”

No More Deaths helps immigrants survive treacherous desert journey to US

Deutsche Welle (Germany), November 1, 2014

Somewhere on the border. For just short of an hour Dan Wilson has dragged himself and a rucksack full of supplies through the barren, scorching plain. Continue reading Deutsche Welle (Germany): “No More Deaths helps immigrants survive treacherous desert journey to US”