Role available: Outreach and fundraising resources coordinator

No More Deaths is looking for a Tucson-area volunteer to fill the following role, which has been played for several years by Jean Rooney. Contact the fundraising team if interested.

Outreach and fundraising resources coordinator
Live in the Tucson area. Long-term commitment preferred.
Basic description
Brochures, T-shirts, stickers, posters, and other materials are important resources for NMD. They help us get the message out about our work and raise funds for that work. Keeping these resources organized for efficient use only requires a few hours each month.
  1. Oversee the NMD office at St. Mark’s
    • Keep a current inventory of print and other resources.  A beginning list is available (2/22/16), including buttons, bumper stickers, T-shirts, “dignity bags,”  human-rights reports, and free print items: our brochure, recent newsletters, and Josseline memorial cards.
    • Check at least every other week to keep basic order in the office. Mail, including boxes of donations, is put in the office by the St. Mark’s manager. Also, there are other materials stored  in the office, often with no identification of  source or use (e.g., blankets, clothes, old phones).
  2. Manage tabling opportunities
    • Set dates and pay fees for events such as the Tucson Peace Fair in February, conferences, and invited church visits. Set up boxes with materials for events.  Include items appropriate to the event. Box includes sign-up sheets, clipboards, a tabling bag with tape, markers, pens, a money box and a donation container. Sometimes a large canopy is also necessary.
    • Recruit volunteers (at Monday meetings or by e-mail) to person the tables or booths. Set dates for them to pick up the materials and a date to return them after the event.
    • Keep signs with item prices updated. There is a large NMD  banner that can be hung at the event or taped to the display table.
    • Check tabling boxes on their return to the office: sort, reorganize, refold, count. This makes new orders easy when necessary.  Currently, print orders go to the Gloo Factory on the 26th of each month.
  3. Meet periodically with the appropriate committee (currently the fundraising committee) to decide on new materials, resolve problems, and so on.