Searching for your loved one among the perished

We are so sorry that your loved one is missing. We collaborate with groups who help families search through the forensics system but do not do that work ourselves.  We would like to pass their contact information to you.

Call the Colibri Center for Human Rights at 520-724-8644.  This group does forensics interviews and helps families search the forensic systems all across the border. They are also collecting DNA samples from relatives of migrants who have disappeared on the Arizona–Sonora border. When you call, leave a message and wait for them to call you back.

For cases in Texas, call the South Texas Human Rights Center at 361-325-2555. This group can coordinate DNA testing for relatives of migrants who have disappeared in Texas.

If you would like to contact offices of medical examiners directly, here are phone numbers to do so.

Pima County Medical Examiner                    520-724-8600
San Diego County Medical Examiner            858-694-2895
El Paso
El Paso County Medical Examiner     915-532-1447
Piedras Negras, Laredo, Reynosa, and around Falfurrias
Webb County Medical Examiner       956-722-7054
East of Falfurrias
Nueces County Medical Examiner     361-881-8960
Southern tip of Texas only (mainly drownings/river deaths)
Hidalgo County                            956-784-3540
Cameron County                          956-389-1920